By volunteering in your community, with us in the Wildlife Area for instance, you can earn Time Credits to spend in a variety of outlets. We give one Time Credit for every hour volunteered. They’re like community bank notes. There’s something for everyone. Here are some of the places to visit:
The British Museum: This is a wonderful place to feed the mind and indeed, the stomach in a beautiful, relaxing environment. Two Time Credits can reserve a place on one of their Community Events, giving the chance to view the space and objects without the crowds. Email Sami to register your interest. Next event is likely to be “Celts: Art and Identity” on Sunday, 20th September.
Keats House: This one is so easy. Just turn up with one Time Credit to gain entry on the door. Check the website for opening times.
Mansion House: Home and Office of the Lord Mayor of London. Public tours run every Tuesday at 2pm(except in August) but can be cancelled at short notice so please call before leaving home on 020 7626 2500. One Time Credit will be needed at the meeting point at the A-Board near the porch entrance in Walbrook, arriving by 1:45pm.
Royal Opera House Backstage Tours. Two Time Credits can be spent on this tour but places need to be reserved and are limited. Check the website for dates and times then call 020 7304 4000 quoting ‘SPICE’.
St Paul’s Cathedral: Possibly one of the best value for a Time Credit spend, this does not require pre-booking. Just turn up with two Time Credits per person but be prepared to queue.
Tower Bridge Exhibition: Two Time Credits can be used for entry any day of the year before 12pm and no pre-booking is required.
Tower of London: Two Time Credits can be used for admission at any time during normal opening hours excluding half terms and school holidays.
MBNA Thames Clippers: You’ll get the best view of London’s most popular landmarks from the river. Big Ben, Tower Bridge Exhibition, the Tower of London , St. Paul’s Cathedral and The O2 are just some of the many attractions overlooking the banks of the Thames. Post your photos to Facebook and Twitter as you go! Tag them with #thamesclippers and #timecredits. You’ll need to download this form and send in your Time Credits to the above address. You’ll receive tickets to travel on the boats (after 9.30am Monday to Friday). You can start at Woolwich/North Greenwich Piers through to Embankment/London Eye Piers or visa versa, and get on at any pier in between. One Time Credit each way.
We’re hoping to have more details about exhibitions in the Museum of London and Guildhall Library soon.
This is just a sample of everything available in London. Download the current Time Credits Brochure here (Right Click/Save) where you will also learn more about opportunities to earn credits. Furthermore, you can spend your Time Credits in other parts of the country. Check the Just Add Spice website for more information.
Other Time Credit Spending Opportunity Summaries:
Local Favourites