Just Add Spice have published their latest Time Credits brochure with lots of new ways to spend your hard-earned Time Credits.
You can look at it here or right-click to download (Mac users alt-click).
There are many ways to earn Time Credits and participating bodies are listed at the end of the booklet. You’ll see our name there among them.
For many of our gardeners, Time Credits are a lovely added bonus to the pleasure they get from working with their neighbours to create a place the local community can enjoy. Some volunteers just like to get their hands a little bit muddy once in a while!
Whatever your reasons for joining us, Time Credits present the opportunity to do new things and meet new people, a bit like our gardening sessions.
Please check (and bookmark!) this area of our website to find out when the next session will be or ask to go on our mailing list, to receive an email reminder a few days before we garden.