Merry Christmas from the Friends of Queen’s Park Gardens

On behalf of the Friends of Queen’s Park Gardens, we extend our warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season and a prosperous, healthy New Year.

We deeply appreciate your time and dedication in volunteering this year in the Queen’s Park Gardens Wildlife Area, as well as the Triangular, Railings, and Benches Beds. 

Your support has made a significant difference.

We are excited to see you again in the coming year.

Warm regards,
Chair, Friends of Queen’s Park Gardens

Seed and Plant Swap

Spring is here, the daffodils are in flower and we are excited to learn that Ulla and HCGA are launching this years Queen’s Park in Bloom with a cost-of-living friendly Seed and Plant Swap. 

Events will be held at the Rose Garden in Queen’s Park Gardens, Fourth Ave, W10  4QJ on:
Sunday 2 April at 12 noon – 3pm
Thursday 6 April at 2pm – 4pm

The idea is simple:
Bring any spare seeds, plants or cuttings you have  and exchange them with others you find and fancy.
Drop off any plastic plant pots you no longer need.

Meet your neighbours and swap any gardening tips.

They will be selling good quality Melcourt Sylva Grow peat-free potting compost: £1 small bag (bring your own bag), £3 x 30L bag or £5 x 50L bag. Bring cash or card.

They will also be offering gardening advice, so do bring your questions and queries.

It’s too good to miss.

You can learn more about Ulla’s weekly community gardening sessions here.

AGM via Zoom

We are holding our Friends of Queen’s Park Gardens Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at 7pm.

This will be a Zoom Event and you are very welcome to join us from 7pm. If you are on our mailing list, you will have received details but if not, please do contact us.

Our annual report detailing our activities throughout last year can be viewed and downloaded here FQPG 2022 Annual Report.

Festive Recycling

Last year Westminster City Council recycled 4,719 real Christmas trees! That’s equal to 47 tonnes 🤯 This year they are are supporting residents to be more sustainable around the festive period again by having over 25 locations where you can recycle your real Christmas tree!

You can take your tree to a drop-off point from the start of 28 December 2022 to the end of day 8 January 2023. Opening hours are 8am to 8pm unless they are in parks, which close at 4.30pm.

Our park has one OUTSIDE the gates in Ilbert Street at the Fourth Avenue end which can be used at all hours.

Please remove all decorations, stands and netting from the tree before bringing it to a recycling point.

Trees taken to our recycling points will be turned into wood-chip and soil improver.

More information here.

Happy Holidays!

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous, healthy New Year.

Thank you for your support in volunteering your time and effort this year in the Queen’s Park Gardens Wildlife Area and Triangular Bed.

We hope to see you all again next year.

Stay safe and well  – Chair of FQPG

Vouchers for Reusable Nappies

Disposable nappies revolutionised life for the working Mum but we now know what a problem they cause for the environment.  Did you know you can get up to £48 towards washable cotton nappies, if you live in Westminster?  More information here.

We often find disposable nappies in the park, probably dragged in by foxes foraging in waste bags left out overnight.  Please try to leave your black bags out on the morning of the collection.

Cold Weather Help and Advice.

Westminster have put together some useful information for everyone in the borough.

WINTER IN THE CITY: Be sure to check out their directory of events happening at warm and safe locations across Westminster. From local libraries to the Royal Albert Hall, there are places open for everyone to be welcome and stay warm.

KEEPING WARM IN THE COLD: The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice across London from 9am on Sunday 11 December, until 9am on Monday 12 December. Westminster have loads of tips and information on their website about what they’re doing to help during this cold snap, including helping rough sleepers. If you’re concerned about someone sleeping rough or need advice on supporting your vulnerable neighbours and loved ones, visit Westminster’s dedicated cold weather support page.

The regular My Westminster emails have lots of links for help during these difficult times. You can subscribe to it here.

Building Bug Hotel 2.0

Can you help us?

We have received a number of wooden pallets so we can build another bug hotel.

We are short of materials to fill the spaces around the edge of the pallets so do get in touch if you can help.

Bamboo would be ideal and bricks with holes would do nicely. You can either bring them along to us on a Saturday morning or drop us a line via the contact form.  Thank you!