Online Houseplant Care Workshop 10 March 7-8pm

Please join our lovely friends at HCGA for a free online Houseplant Care Workshop on Wednesday, 10 March from 7-8pm.  Participants need to BOOK A PLACE using this link.

HCGA recently ran a very informative Houseplant Workshop and are planning to repeat this for participants in our Westminster based projects.
Next week they will be running a trouble shooting houseplant session.


Bobby Ho will talk through the most important tips and tricks for caring for your houseplants and you can ask him a houseplant question too!

This online talk followed by a houseplant Q and A will provide lots of useful tips for beginner gardeners through to intermediate (and even some advanced areas).  Bring along one of your poorly houseplants to show us and get some help from Bobby Ho, a Hammersmith local and all-round plant nerd!

If you have a specific houseplant that you need Bobby’s help with, please email us a photo of the plant and Bobby will try his best to help you. Depending on the time, we may only be able to help you with one question each.