Big Garden Birdwatch – the Results!

We had a wonderful turn-out for Monday’s RSPB Garden Birdwatch!  Thanks to everyone who attended.

Photo with thanks to Jill Forgham

The count was as follows:
2 Blackbirds
2 Blue tits
2 Carrion Crows
1 Goldfinch
1 Great tit
13 House sparrows
2 Magpies
1 Robin
1 Starling 
5 Wood pigeons!
1 Wren 

and 2 Squirrels – we know they’re not birds but the RSPB asked people to note other wild animals too!

Note: These are the maximum number of birds seen in one hour so, for instance the 5 wood pigeons were spotted together at the same time. This is a caveat used to ensure that the same individuals are not counted twice.