New speed limits are rolling out across Westminster. This trial is bringing 20mph roads to the areas surrounding 38 schools, enabling the council to consult local schools, residents and businesses to judge its effectiveness before changing the limit on more roads. The program is aiming to increase walking and cycling by making vulnerable road users feel safer.
A reassuringly large area to the east of the Avenues and going into Maida Vale (from Bravington Road to Lanark Road) are included in Westminster’s 20mph trials over the next couple of years.
Also parts of Droop Street and Dart Street will be trialed. You may have already noticed the old 30mph signs have been covered over and some illuminated detector ‘slow down’ signs are already in place. The 20mph limits are being implemented in areas highlighted by a road safety review and as a result of residents’ requests for speed restrictions.
Local schools, businesses and residents views will also be sought before, during and after the 20mph trials. This will give better understanding of their impact and inform the next step.
You can read more about it here and download a map.