After a few weeks off, we are now thinking about restarting work in the gardens. January is normally a quiet time of year, but already some of the hundred or so bulbs we planted in the autumn are poking their heads through the ground.
Our first scheduled session will be on Saturday 12th March between 10am and 1pm. If you are on our mailing list, we will send round a reminder a week before with details of the activities planned.
2016 promises to be an exciting year for the Gardens. The Queens Park Community Council (QPCC) approved an enhanced management contract with Hammersmith Community Gardens Association (HCGA) for the Gardens starting in March. This will mean the regular presence of a community gardener leading volunteer sessions, training and other community activities. The rose garden will finally get the attention it badly needs. FQPG will continue to exist and look after the Wildlife Area but we expect to work closely with, and benefit from HCGA’s presence.
A big thank you to the QPCC councillors who have given up so much of their spare time and worked so hard to make this happen. More details can be found in the current issue of The Queen’s Park Voice. A link to the HCGA website is here so you can see some of the other projects they are involved in.
There will be so many opportunities for you to get involved with either FQPG or HCGA. Please don’t be shy in coming forward with ideas and help to improve green spaces within the Queens Park area.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
If you want reminders nearer the times of our gardening sessions, please check the notice boards near the park gates or sign up for our email alerts.